Two years after Final Fantasy VII event (if you want to know, just play the game), this planet is in recovering from the meteor attack that being summon by Sephiroth in the final fantasy event. While survivor of Midgar have begun to build a new city, a new and strange disease known as “Geostigma” rise attack to children.
After his battle with Sephiroth two years ago, Cloud Strife (main character in Final Fantasy VII and this movie) has start “Strife Delivery Service” with help from Tifa Lockhart. Her live with two children, Marlene Wallace and an orphaned boy named Denzel. After receive a message from Tifa, Cloud is attacked by three men that believe Cloud know where is their ‘mother’. In that battle, Cloud manages to escape from the attacker.
Cloud visits Rufus Shinra, president of Shinra Company to know about the attacker. Rufus try to ask Cloud’s help but fail. After that, the leader of the attacker, Kadaj break into Rufus lodge ask Rufus about the location of their ‘mother’. In this scene, kadaj reveal that the ‘mother’ that their search for is remaining of Jenova (an alien that came to Planet many year ago, Sephiroth also contain the Jenova’s cell) and is somehow connected to the cause of the geostigma. Kadaj also tell about him and his ‘brother’ planning a new ‘reunion’ that will bring damage to the Planet. To be continue….
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