Side foods that usually come with Teppanyaki are Zuchini (is a one type of vegetable that look alike cucumber), white onion or fried rice. Parts of the restaurant also prepare a lot of sauce to eat with Teppanyaki. But in Japan, it usually eats with ketchup sauce.
The original styles of Teppanyaki are from Japan restaurant chain, Misono that introduce food concept from West to the Japanese’s food in teppan at Japan in 1945. Later they found out that this food in very popular within outsider compare to Japanese which is they like to see the chef prepare the food full of cutting’s skill and unique cooking style.
When Teppanyaki become very popular to tourist, the restaurants also increase performance aspect with chef preparation like cut big onion into Fuji’s mountain shape and start fire above it that will produce a big onion volcano.
Today, Teppanyaki has change become fried food that serve in fried table. Customers will seat beside and chef will prepare the food in front of them. Same as another two kind of Japanese’s food that is Sushi and Kaiseki Ryory, Tenpanyaki’s ingredient is different follow to unique taste of local people. Try the Teppanyaki Teppanyaki when you have chance.
1 comment:
there is one teppanyaki place at Giant. teringat doraemon hehe.
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